B i o g r a p h y
Peter Toohey had his first piano lessons at age 9, studying with Bronislaw Sozanski. Peter completed the Bachelor of Music with Honours in 2012 and recently completed a Masters of Music with Professor Ian Holtham, head of keyboard at the University of Melbourne. He has achieved his LMusA on Piano, performed on 3MBS radio and given numerous recitals across Victoria, and also in Austria and Germany. He has played recitals in Melba Hall, the Melbourne Recital Centre, Fed Square, The Ballarat Art Gallery, The Wendouree Centre for Performing Arts, Synod Hall, the National Gallery of Victoria and for the Music Lover’s Society.
In 2013, Peter made his debut performance at the Elizabeth Murdoch Hall at the Melbourne Recital Centre, featuring as soloist in Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G with the University of Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. And in July of the same year he participated in two weeks of lessons with Professor Martin Hughes, Head of Keyboard at the Vienna Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst. During his undergraduate years Peter has been the recipient of numerous awards and scholarships including the Judd/de Kretser Scholarship, the Madeleine Orr Scholarship, the McKay and Music Lovers’ Piano Awards and the Grace Funston Piano Scholarship. From August-December 2014, Peter studied in London and Vienna with world-renowned piano pedagogues; Peter Feuchtwanger, Christopher Elton, Joan Havill and Martin Hughes. Peter works as a freelance performer, teacher and accompanist.